About Angelic Progression

Sanda is an Inspirational Life Coach and the founder of Angelic Progression. Her company helps the people find their authentic selves and create the lives they want. We believe that everyone has within them the power to create change and that it’s okay to not let our past dictate our future. Our mission is to help people find their voice, connect with their authentic selves, and create lives they love.

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Our goal is to help you use your inner conflict, sabotaging beliefs and dysfunctional patterns as the key to your own self-awareness. By addressing what is holding you back we will help you unlock the life you have always desired.

Sanda's Story

Sanda’s childhood held moments of special memories, but the dysfunction of her family was apparent to her at a young age. By the time she was 17 years old, Sanda had to move out and live on her own. She attended university, taking political science, while paying her bills and working to make ends meet. This was a tough time, especially since there was a war going on in her country, but it taught her resilience and how to persevere, even if it mostly felt like a struggle at the time.

Sanda knew she wanted a better life, and she had her heart set on North America. When an opportunity arose to escape her war-torn country, she knew in her heart that she should take a leap of faith into the unknown.

When Sanda first arrived in Canada she barely spoke the language and didn’t have a sought-after skill in the workforce. She went back to school to get a Canadian education in academics and culture. This was another moment of starting from nothing. With trips to the Food Bank to make ends meet, Sanda felt it again; that pull that told her that life can offer more and it was somewhere within her to make it possible.

She spent years struggling to find her passion in life. Trying her hand at different courses, jobs, and meeting as many different people as she could, Sanda opened herself up to new experiences and soaked up every moment. However, all this education did not hand her the life she desired, instead, it put her into debt and left her without the next step in life.

She put her head down and worked hard. Sometimes as many as three jobs at a time. During her limited time off, Sanda saw her friends, put a smile on her face, and kept going. This was, after all, the common immigrant story. She poured over self-help books, trying to uncover the secret that it felt like everyone else had figured out. Even in these trying times, her spirituality could not carry all the burden of this immense feeling of being rudderless among the waves.

Sanda’s life was not only turmoil, but it’s important that these deep emotional struggles are accurately shared. It’s the truth that so many of us are afraid of saying out loud.

Sanda met a wonderful man and has a beautiful family. She’ll tell you that her children are her greatest accomplishment, no matter what you read here. During this time in her life, Sanda opened two successful financial businesses of which she was immensely proud. It was the first time in her life that she felt like she had it all under control. Then a new disaster hit.

Sanda was diagnosed with Lyme disease. She had felt unwell for years but figured it was just what being a busy mom and businesswoman felt like. But, as her energy faded and other symptoms set in, she knew it was something more. The diagnosis of Lyme disease came shortly before the disease immobilized her. Sanda was bedridden. She describes it as, “it felt like being trapped in a dead body.” The smallest of tasks felt impossible, and she retreated from the world.

In time, when she could no longer stand the pain and the isolation, Sanda reached out and worked with various doctors in Canada, the USA, and Europe, in an effort to heal her body and, at this point, her soul. Years went by, and she was not feeling the physical or emotional relief she longed for. Until she came across a teaching like nothing, she had ever seen before. It said, “We are not broken and do not need to fix ourselves.”

This was a sentiment that Sanda had never heard before, and neither do most of us. Messages from media, school, family, and ourselves tend to speak of getting better, being better, and fixing what is wrong with us. Instead, Sanda found a teaching that encouraged her to love herself and create any life she wanted. That it was okay to not let our pasts dictate our futures. 

Instead of trying to fix her body and fix her life, she started creating a new life that she loves. One that loved and accepted herself for who she was—a life filled with joy.

her angelic voice created a deep connection and positive feelings.

Sanda's recode session was for me a moving, shifting, and beneficial experience. From the beginning she made me feel very comfortable and was genuine. Sanda's guidance through the recode was warm and given with acute detail, her angelic voice created a deep connection and positive feelings. Her recode succeeded on unblocking some of my resistance and I'm looking forward to working with her again. You will quickly see that she is knowledgeable and experienced and I highly recommend her coaching to anyone seeking. 5 Stars.

Paul Walsh

Today, Sanda uses her experience as a life coach, helping others learn how to overcome adversity and find their inner strength. She is passionate about helping people find their purpose in life and reach their goals.

You're not alone.

A lot of people feel lost and uncertain at some point in their lives. But there is a solution, and that's where I come in. I am an Inspirational Life Coach with the experience and expertise to help you find your way.

Angelic Progression offers One-on-One Inspirational Coaching, Weekly Group Support Meetings, and Group Coaching Workshops.

Serving across Vancouver, Surrey, Whistler, Burnaby, Kelowna, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Victoria, Nanaimo, Salt Spring IslandBritish Columbia, Calgary, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA, Sedona, Arizona, Bellevue, Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia, Spokane, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Los Angeles, Sacramento, La Jolla, San Diego, California, UNITED STATES, Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, Dubrovnik, CROATIA.

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